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Aspierations and InfoAware are teaming up to launch a pioneering Neurodiversity awareness course to celebrate World Autism Acceptance Week

To mark World Autism Acceptance Week (28th March to 3 April) InfoAware, a leading supplier of e-learning courses to business have teamed up with Aspierations, an advocate for autistic individuals seeking aspirational careers. Together, they are offering a dynamic e-learning course “Introduction to Neurodiversity” that will dispel some of those myths surrounding autism and work. If your organisations wants to be truly neurodiverse – and welcome the next Elon Musk – the solution is contained in this three-module interactive learning experience.

For the next three months, all net proceeds raised from the course will benefit the autism community. A community that suffers from disastrously low levels of employment despite being able to offer skills demanded by the most forward-thinking organisations.


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As a Manager, what completion reports do I get?

  • Passed one module
  • Passed all modules
  • Not passed modules
  • Report by user
  • Report by department

Can I customise this course?

  • We are not offering customisation on this course but can provide unique messaging to your users.

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InfoAware are offering two hours of free course customisation to new clients on their range of Off-the-Shelf eLearning.

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